About KPSC

Greeting message

Jin-Young Jang

The Korean Pancreas Surgery Club

The Korean Pancreatic Surgery Club (KPSC) was founded on April 11, 2004, led by Professor Myung-Wook Kim and Sun Whe Kim with a small gathering of 13 members. Now, as we approach our 20th anniversary next year, we have successfully held 71 academic conferences and grown into a mid-sized society with 237 members. I would like to express my gratitude once again to all the past presidents who have contributed tirelessly to the development of our research and society, particularly former President Hyeon Kook Lee, for his dedicated efforts in establishing the society even amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 situation.

Over the past 20 years, the KPSC has served as a platform for in-depth discussions and communication about rare and challenging cases that were difficult to address in the Korean Association of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery (KAHBPS). Furthermore, we have made significant contributions to consensus formation through various collaborative research efforts. However, we are now facing challenges such as an increasing number of members, functional overlaps with related societies like the KAHBPS and Korean Study Group on Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery (K-MIPS), and the need to enhance international exchanges with pancreatic societies worldwide. Therefore, it is time for us to initiate changes and innovations to rediscover the true essence of an exemplary society while carrying 3C’s forward the traditions of our society: consensus, collaboration, and case studies. To achieve these objectives, we will reduce the regular academic conference to twice a year, but extend the duration to one or one and a half days. We will diversify the program, strengthen interdisciplinary areas, including internal medicines and related societies, and consistently seek joint programs with international pancreatic academic institutions. Additionally, we will make efforts in various forward and backward joint research explorations and publish educational materials for the general public.

Although the KPSC has a relatively short history compared to societies in the United States and Japan, we take pride in the continuous efforts of our members in advancing research and academic exchanges to contribute to the improvement of public health, especially in challenging medical areas.

I extend my gratitude to all the members who have dedicated themselves to education, research, and patient care, successfully leading to the growth and progress of society. In the future, I will listen to the valuable opinions of our members and exert my utmost effort to make our society the best in its field, providing benefits, enjoyment, and social contributions. Thank you.

September 2023